Saturday, November 2, 2013

Graduation is not merely certifications

Graduation is yet another key milestone in life. Well, to some it's a very big moment of celebrations yet to some it could meant just the end of a certification or qualification. To me, it is not merely certifications especially if you graduate from a university.

My tuition teacher once said, "University life is a time you enjoy with friends especially the freedom you get outside". Indeed.

Graduation is a time of reminiscing the good old times. It's always great to look back and search for that special moments you spent or witty things you did that got you in trouble and so on. It is something you wouldn't find or get once you step into the working world. As cliche as it sounds, it is true. It brings you to the next stage of life; the adulthood. 

Graduation also depicts how much you've grown through the years. I think everyone started out as a young, innocent, naive student going Educamp, following instantly what the faci said, following rules like it might get you terminated if you don't. 

Gradually, you start behaving like seniors, understood that rules are meant to break, punctuality is ridiculous, wearing matrix card all the time is lame, skipping classes are normal and so forth (oh please, not something to follow if possible lol).

Most importantly, at the end of the day or perhaps the year, you grew into that Graduate with much honors not only in education but the whole well being that makes every mum and dad proud. Great achievement doesn't only refers CGPA nor does it sees how thick your certificate files etc. Great achievement comes from hardship, great efforts, multitudes of ups and downs to get to the end. 

Hence, I always believe the importance of our journey in bringing us to our destination. My journey in UTP has been great definitely. If it was not because of the people around me that supports or discouraged me in some way or another, I wouldn't have grown wiser in mind and attitude. I believe in friendship, as it is hard to come by. Education aside, life living with friends around are something to cherish. They are the ones to bring you through the storms, back you up in studies, make you laugh and put that extra sauce to spice up your life. 

You see, that's life. How funny sometimes we think we can manage on our own, live our own life and mind our own business. But you know you fumble at simple things and smile when someone appreciates or compliment on your deeds. We need people. We need friends.

Oh well, maybe too much of stuff here and there. lol Anyway, to my graduation success, I would extend my gratitude to both my parents and family, UTP friends who stand by me, friends back home who supports me during my down time, lovely juniors and seniors who directs and lead me. Most of all, thank God for all these wonderful precious blessings I've been showered through the years.

Big LOVE from daddy mummy!

I think the best part of it is my extended family in Hope Ipoh :) They've been my great source of comfort and peace and fun. They're my source of inspiration when I need that renewed spirit. 

Happy Graduation!

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