I'm now a "Graduate Student". An extra title at the front. Yay. People said it's a happy moment when you graduate but you know with our convocation only be held on October, there's really nothing much you will feel when you end your last paper last semester. And then, there's the staying-at-home-lazy-bum syndrome appearing. I'm still really adjusting to the new title being graduated and now going to work soon phase. Initially it was just staying at home, staring at TVs, and then novels, and soon after walls. Then, it was facing computers and papers at my dad's office. Now, it is facing some incredibly hard to configure kind of SAP training in Bukit Jalil. Later on, who knows. I really hope and wish I know.
Everyone has been giving good, some quite reasonable advices about working with Petronas. Each time I listened, I have this instinct that somehow incline a little bit to each of their opinions. And then I realised there is a bigger picture to this and I should figure it myself if this is going to be the right path. I love this quote that says,
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Confucious.
As much as I want to agree with that quote, reality is still reality. I cannot just make up my mind now and says I want to be a tour guide just because I love to travel nor can I say I want to open a bookstore because I love to read. Now, some successful self-employed fellas will be defending my thoughts. As far as I am concern, I know I have to fulfil my bond's responsibility -waiting for Petronas to call in for work for like 7 years. That's like a whole lot of years to some people and yet it is like a million chance kind of thing to some people. As for now, I can only think of one thing -to work for Petronas for at least 3 or 4 years (to the least gain some experiences in this big company) and we'll see how it goes from there and at some point in between might build up some business of my own.
I always believe as time passes, people grow especially from their thinking and thoughts. You can say that's maturing. That's how you thought you will be a lawyer and ended up an IT student. That's also how you thought you will love being an IT student and then to find out you only really love doing business. So, 3 years down the road will be the time I see where have I been and how will I go on. =)
So, well this depicts the start of my new journey here.
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