Monday, May 6, 2013

GE13: Malaysia's Major History

Malaysia's 13th General Election has marked its most prominent history of all now. There are many thoughts and opinions going around, mostly hatred and rage burning from within Malaysians especially the young generations. How can we, the new generations of the future not felt a pinch to what is happening right now? I have never felt so defeated, quench to the bottom of the heart like something has died inside me.

I think it's enough time that we stopped putting the blame on anything or anyone because everything has been done. What we should be doing now is to look forward to what more could we do to reach that democracy stage. A friend of mine, a Taiwanese in fact, told me this is the process of democracy and it's a good start because people has raised their voice. No castle is built in one night. This is so true. There will be no point rushing into something when we missed out all the details in between. One step at a time.

I am glad many of us has open up our eyes to see the need to fight for our rights and bring back our lovely country, a place to stay peacefully without culture compromising and corruptions what not. To those who have yet to feel it, I hope that in the days to come, you will encounter this patriotism from within which has caused the uprising of many Malaysians today.

I never felt this love for my country before but today as I was driving, tears rolled down my eyes just by thinking of what has happened. Saddening but still believed that greater things has yet to come! God has his plans for our country!

Let us raise our voices and fight for our country but still be on guard on our act and humility.

Keep this spirit up people!